In a large saucepan over medium low heat, pour in all of your ingredients except the food dye
4 cups milk, 14 oz sweetened condensed milk, 12 oz evaporated milk, 1½ cups white chocolate chips, 2 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste, pinch of salt
Warm through until the mixture is just shy of a simmer, whisking occasionally to make sure the chocolate chips are dissolving.
Squeeze in about 1-2 tsp of the green food dye, and about half that amount of the yellow dye. Whisk to combine and add more dye as needed until you reach the desired neon or bright green color you want.
green and yellow gel food dye
Carefully ladle the hot chocolate into serving glasses or mugs and top with whipped cream, mini marshmallows, green sprinkles, and red candy heart sprinkles. Serve immediately
whipped cream, mini marshmallows, green sanding sugar or sprinkles, red heart sprinkles