1½tbspza'ataroptional; sub out for dried thyme, oregano, sesame seeds, and sumac if available
salt and pepper
3sprigsfresh thyme
2sprigsfresh rosemary
OPTIONAL: I started by french trimming my chicken quarters. Cut the leg bone about ½ an inch from the ankle (the soft spot). Take the blake of the knife and run it around the bone, about ½ inch up from where you cut. Using a thumb and forefinger, push the skin and meat up the bone another inch so the bone is naked and exposed.
In a casserole dish, slightly smaller than you think you may need, add celery, onions, and carrots.
Season chicken liberally with salt and pepper and place on top of vegetables.
Pour buttermilk over the chicken so it is at least 75% covered and top with thyme and rosemary.
Cover and store in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Overnight is best.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Uncover the chicken and bake for 45 minutes or until the chicken reaches about 155°
Increase the heat to 450 and cook for an additional 15 minutes or until the skin of the chicken browns. Final temperature should be 165° minimum, but may be higher due to the long cooking time.