POV: it is 95 degrees. You just came in from working in the yard or playing with the kids. Water just won’t cut it to quench your thirst! Insert- FROSTED LEMONADE. That’s right, a rich, creamy, luscious glass of lemonade. The idea blows your mind, right? Well I promise once you try this, a simple glass of lemonade over ice just won’t do the trick anymore.
Frosted Lemonade
The best thing about this recipe is that I think it is the quickest, most simple recipe I have ever made. All you need is a blender, 3 ingredients, and a measuring cup. Start with about 3-4 large ripe lemons and juice them to get 3/4 cup of lemon juice. Add this to the blender with 1/3 cup of sugar and 1 cup of ice cold water.
The ice cold water is important because it helps keep the drink cold and fluffy…frosted. Take one large cup full of ice and add 1 cup of water to it. Allow it to sit for a minute or two and then measure out 1 cup (the ice will have melted slightly, making the amount of water more than the 1 cup you initially poured in). Add this to the blender along with about 4 cups of vanilla ice cream (about 8-10 scoops).
Blend on high for 1-2 minutes or until the drink is light, smooth and fully blend. Serve immediately in cold glasses with a straw and a few slices of lemon for garnish. You can also jazz of the flavors a little bit by adding 1/2 cup of the frozen fruit of your choice, like raspberries, mango, blueberries, or strawberries.
Simple lemonade is great, but adding vanilla ice cream to make it a lemonade-milkshake hybrid is the way to go! It is tangy and refreshing, but also smooth and sweet. The lemonade you never knew you needed!
Want More Summer Drink Ideas?
- Peach Raspberry Lemonade
- Mango Basil Spritzer
- Blackberry Smash With Thyme And Ginger
- Healthy Detox Juices- Two Ways

Frosted Lemonade
- ¾ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 1 cup water ice cold
- ⅓ cup sugar
- 8-10 scoops vanilla ice cream about 4 cups
- Lemon slices for garnish
- Add all of the ingredients to the blender
- Blend on high until the the mixture is smooth, about 1 minute
- Serve immediately.